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from → photography, pregnancy, wordless wednesday tags → baby bump
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Hi, I'm Sarah, and welcome to Light from the Shadows. In this little corner of the blogosphere,
I chronicle the ups and downs of daily life, including motherhood and marriage, updating our house, book and movie reviews, the occasional recipe, and whatever other randomness pops into my brain. More...
Copyright 2025 Light from the Shadows.
You look so beautiful and happy! I’m happy for you. Are you enjoying Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth? I loved it and learned so much from it! It was required reading for my doula certification, and I’m so glad it was.
Yes, Lisa, I really am! I knew Ina May was THE authority, but I was hesitant to read her books because of the spiritualism I thought might be present. However, my doula (also a believer) highly recommended it. I’m reading the birth stories and birth essentials simultaneously. It’s been a great confidence boost so far!
Lookin’ good!!! <>
Thanks, friend!
You look fantastic!! You are all baby
Sarah you really look beautiful and happy how are you enjoying your pregnancy ,i looked on your blog its very informative and helpful for the women.keep it up!
Wow Sarah, you look great! I can’t even believe that you’re at 32 weeks already! You don’t have much longer to go!
Yay Sarah! We’re almost there! I’m 36 weeks today. Can you believe how fast it goes?