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five-sense friday

2010 April 2
by Sarah

Today I…

heard: the hum of lawnmowers around the neighborhood; the low, melodic notes of my new wind chime; birds chirping; dogs barking; the rattle of spray paint cans; voices—young and old, male and female—joined together in songs of our Savior’s journey to the cross; silence.

saw: rust disappear under glossy white paint; a neighbor’s magnolia in full, glorious bloom; light turn to darkness in the silence of a church sanctuary full of people; a film that made feel deeply and think deeply.

smelled: hyacinths blooming in my yard; the distinct scent of just-snuffed-out candles.

felt: gentle spring breezes easing the heat of this uncommonly warm April day; grateful for a Savior who willingly gave up His fellowship with the Father that we might gain fellowship with the Father; salty tears running down my checks.

tasted: Kashi cinnamon harvest whole wheat biscuits with almond milk; pb&j, mandarin oranges, v8 fusion juice; sloppy joes, roasted sweet potatoes, broccoli; communion wafer and grape juice; chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream.

One Response
  1. April 5, 2010

    I love reading your five-sense Friday posts. They always make me stop and look around.

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